Programme Director

Ho-Keung Ng

MBChB (Edin), MD, FRCPath, FHKCPath, Chair Professor and past Associate Dean (Education)

H.K. Ng was Chairman of the Department and Chief of Service 1999-2011.

During his tenure as Department Chair, publications in the Department have progressed in a major manner. There were 25 promotions in the Department during this period. His efforts were recognised by the Chinese Society of Pathology and Chinese Journal of Pathology for Distinguished Services Awards. Foundations were built during the tenure and they led eventually to the awards of the prestigious Theme Based Researches on liver cancer and nasopharngeal cancer to the Department.

H.K. Ng was very active in training pathologists from mainland China. About 30 fellows from mainland China received training at the Department during this period.

The Department underwent a successful accreditation exercise by the National Testing Authority of Australia (NATA) in 2000. This was the first ever international accreditation by a pathology laboratory in Hong Kong. He subsequently led the Department through several rounds of re-accreditation with NATA.

H.K. Ng was Chairman of the Licentiate Examination Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Medical Council 2002-2012.


Ho-Keung Ng

MBChB (Edin), MD, FRCPath, FHKCPath, Chair Professor and past Associate Dean (Education)


H.K. Ng was Chairman of the Department and Chief of Service 1999-2011.

During his tenure as Department Chair, publications in the Department have progressed in a major manner. There were 25 promotions in the Department during this period. His efforts were recognised by the Chinese Society of Pathology and Chinese Journal of Pathology for Distinguished Services Awards. Foundations were built during the tenure and they led eventually to the awards of the prestigious Theme Based Researches on liver cancer and nasopharngeal cancer to the Department.

H.K. Ng was very active in training pathologists from mainland China. About 30 fellows from mainland China received training at the Department during this period.

The Department underwent a successful accreditation exercise by the National Testing Authority of Australia (NATA) in 2000. This was the first ever international accreditation by a pathology laboratory in Hong Kong. He subsequently led the Department through several rounds of re-accreditation with NATA.

H.K. Ng was Chairman of the Licentiate Examination Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Medical Council 2002-2012.

The 2025 Intake Admission Deadlines: 31 January 2025 (Priority Round), 31 March 2025 (Final Round)